Uniplay Issues After Low Battery Condition - Checks & Corrective Actions
When the original battery in the Uniplay HMI expires at
the end of its serviceable life the start sequence of the Uniplay may start to
exhibit some issues.
The UNIPLAY HMI takes one CR2032 / CR1225 / CR1220 coin
lithium battery to keep the RTC running. Battery specification: CR2032 / CR1225
/ CR1220 3V lithium battery. Application note AN-429 gives full details on how
to change the battery.
Customers may see errors on older Uniplay HMI’s where after
a full power up it finishes on the Trio splash page with the message
“Connection to Motion Coordinator timed out”.
The attached Application Note details checks and corrective actions around low battery issues on the Uniplay HMI devices.
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