Reading blocks of data from TrioPC Motion ActiveX or DLL

Reading blocks of data from TrioPC Motion ActiveX or DLL

The ActiveX and DLL have a way to read blocks of data. The method is called PRMBLK. If you look at he help, it shows you the list.

You need to define the type of block you want to read, for example DefineSystem would be used to read system values such as Ain. Then use Append to add another value and again to add another. Once set up PRMBLK_Get will read the block for you. Here is an example from VB.

Private Sub GetParam_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles GetParam.Click
Dim result As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim ret_values As Object

TrioPC1.PRMBLK_DefineAxis(0, "DPOS")
TrioPC1.PRMBLK_Append(0, "MPOS")
TrioPC1.PRMBLK_Append(0, "IDLE")

ret_values = Nothing
result = TrioPC1.PRMBLK_GetAxis(0, 1, True, ret_values)
If result = False Then
tc = tc + 1
End If
Terminal.AppendText(ret_values(0).ToString & vbCrLf)
Terminal.AppendText(ret_values(1).ToString & vbCrLf)
Terminal.AppendText(ret_values(2).ToString & vbCrLf)

And for AIN:
result = TrioPC1.PRMBLK_DefineSystem(1, "AIN0")
result = TrioPC1.PRMBLK_Append(1, "AIN1")
result = TrioPC1.PRMBLK_Append(1, "AIN2")
result = TrioPC1.PRMBLK_Append(1, "AIN3")

ret_values = Nothing
result = TrioPC1.PRMBLK_Get(1, True, ret_values)
If result = False Then
tc = tc + 1
End If

Terminal.AppendText(ret_values(0).ToString & vbCrLf)
Terminal.AppendText(ret_values(1).ToString & vbCrLf)
Terminal.AppendText(ret_values(2).ToString & vbCrLf)

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