MOVEABSSEQSP type problem

MOVEABSSEQSP type problem

Work out how many points per second are being executed in the MOVEABSSEQSP.  If more than one per msec then that is not possible even with the MOVEABSSEQ type move.  The other consideration is the vector length in the buffer.  The LIMIT_BUFFERED value 64 is there to allow the system to calculate the deceleration position given the total vector length in the buffer.  The vector length (VECTOR_BUFFERED) must be greater than SPEED ^ 2 / (2 * DECEL)

Equation of motion used: v^2 = u^2 + 2*a*s
for decel distance, the u is 0
so v^2 = 2*a*s

s is the distance, so s = v^2 / 2 * a

v is SPEED, a is DECEL so minimum vector length for smooth movement is SPEED ^ 2 / (2 * DECEL)

Normally 64 moves in the buffer is enough.  You do not need to buffer 100 or 200 or 500 moves, the MOVEABSSEQSP will keep adding a new move to the buffer and the vector length will be maintained above the required value.

You can scope VECTOR_BUFFERED, VP_SPEED and MOVES_BUFFERED to see if buffer starvation is the problem or not.

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