EtherCAT CoE 402 Mode of Operation

EtherCAT CoE 402 Mode of Operation

If an EtherCAT slave goes operational and enables OK but does not move when the axis has a move command then check that SERVO is set to 1 and also check the drive mode of operation. For CSP, if 0x6061 is not 8, then check that the requested mode object 0x6060 is 8.

If 0x6060 is 8 and 0x6061 is 0, then look in the Drive manual for information about the acceptable modes of operation. Or ask the manufacturer for reasons why it is not accepting the requested mode.

0x6060 has the requested mode. 8 for CSP, 9 for CSV and 10 for CST. 0x6061 holds the actual mode in use within the drive.
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