This document describes Trio controller support for the EtherNet/IP protocol. The controller can act as a Class 1, 2 and 3 adapter (server) on an EtherNet/IP based network.
The Motion Coordinator series 4 and above provide this support.
No, it is not possible to set up EthernetIP between Motion Coordinators because our EthernetIP can only be the server side and we have no Client (Scanner) function. There are other protocols which can be used, for example Modbus TCP/IP can be set up ...
Q. Can we run and use Modbus TCP server and Ethernet IP server on Flex-6-Nano at the same time? A. Yes you can use both in parallel. They open different "port" numbers on the Ethernet communications but have the same IP Address. For example Modbus is ...
This document consists on a summarized guide of the whole range of communication protocols supported by Trio motion controllers. After reading this document the user would be able to communicate with the controller through its different interfaces ...
UDP is a connectionless transport protocol designed to operate over IP. Typical applications in Industrial Control includes fast data transfer from cameras and cyclic “Process Data” from PLCs. UDP does not guarantee the delivery of packets but ...