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uniplay 10 and micromech mss-856-b-000 stepper contrtoller will cont connect via ethernet
hi guys i am so new to this i have a new not used but was bought in 2017 from micromech systems a mss-856-b-000 controller system and a trio 10 uniplay monitor when i switch on the 3 light come up the mains light(green) the logic light(white) and the
Hello, is it possible to use ethernet over ethercat on any of trios controllers? Cheers Rob
Uniplay HMI
Hello all, Im very new to programing these hmi, I carnt get a text box or label to chance text vir a VR value, I Think i have some code wrong for the extra action, has or could anyone show me a smell example of the code i need to do this please Thanks
TrioPcMotion DLL without ActiveX wrapper
Trio's development strategy is to replace the TrioPC Motion ActiveX with an API. As an intermediate step a DLL has been produced that has all the ActiveX functions without the ActiveX wrapper. This should be available for download on the Trio Website
P368 RTD FlexSlice Firmware User Guide
Hello, I found this file for the P367 Thermocouple FlexSlice Firmware User Guide. Is it possible to get the same file for the P368 RTD FlexSlice. Thanks in advance, Jonathan Bekerman
Motor Speed Detection
When control the moving of driver, the MPOS and DPOS can get the position, but the variable MSPEED and DEMAND_SPEED can't get values. Is there anything should be set before use the MSPEED/DEMAND_SPEED?
DX4 Firmware
Hi, Seems that there is a new FW (105B4) for DX4. Is there any release note ? Which improvement ? Thanks a lot.
Cannot connect to P378 at Ethernet CAT
Hello I need add P378 modul to TRIO MC4N ECAT using coupler P366, after connection to trio motion cannot build correct ECAT connection. I found this error: ETHERCAT slot 0 - General Ethercat Error(104). Failed to read Firmware Version (0x100A:00) from
CAN Instruction Return Value
I've picked up project with the following line of code: IF (CAN(-1,8,tsdo,rsdo,$2010,2,520) = -1) THEN Occasionally, for some Axes, the instruction is NOT evaluated as -1. Trying to find out what is returned exactly. If this is some kind of read status,
displaying mm/min on hmi from encoder.
Hi I have a simple encoder tracking the linear travel of an axis on on MC405. I am tracking linear position with the encoder. All works fine. I wanted to also display velocity mm/min while the axis is moving. I cant seem to get my head around the calculation
hello I have installed a triomotion MC206 equipment. I have an MC403 equipment ready to install it. when transferring the program I have the problem in the ATYPE variable. in the MC206 version program the ATYPE variable exists from 0 to 49. in the MC403
Can't download Motion Perfect v5.3
When trying to download motion perfect from I get a network error, tried different browsers, and the update button inside MP doesn't get met 5.3 either.
How to change the speed after TC_MOVESP1 is executed
How to change the speed after TC_MOVESP1 is executed?
EtherCAT change Mode of Operation in Drive
The standard PDOs used on Trio EtherCAT masters are single mode. ie either Position (CSP), Speed (CSP) or Torque (CST). Did you know that many drives support the Mode of Operation CoE Object in the Rx PDO? If the drive supports it, then a multi-mode PDO
MP4 - Flash indicator keeps blinking
I've noticed that the Flash indicator in the Controller Tree window of MP4 (v4.3.3 build 17523) keeps blinking when i am connected to the MC. I do not have any commands in the program tasks that are explicitly reading/writing to flash. The system consists of a Flex-6 Nano with two ethercat drives attached. Is this typical of that indicator or something in the ethercat drive config?
The P375 does not work properly because the firmware is different.
The P375 does not work properly because the firmware is different. test result: Controller:FLEX-6-NANO serial number:P600-02637 Flexslice : P375 serial number:P375-00458 Hardware :E Firmware :1.0 v2.0299 normal operation v2.0326 not working properly
Torque constant values for MXL and MXM motors
Looking for a list of the torque constants for all the motors.
DLL function returns -1 for TRUE
Currently, my customer is using C# to communicate with Trio Flex 6-Nano ethercat controller. Attached is the picture showing the highlighted yellow command that they use to read the InPosition return value. When motor is moving, it does return a Zero.
Tell me where you can find software for MC224
Panasonic A6 Multi
Trying to set up an ethercat network between a MC6N-ECAT, flexslice I/O and panasonic A6 multi with 1x MBDM1ABKBX and 3x MADM2A6KBX. The system fully recognises the flexslice and the 3 MADM2A6KBXs but only recognises the MBDM1ABKBX as a Panasonic motor
Servo seems to ignore FS and RS limit when set at high speed
I have been working on a program that, when finished, will need to use a relatively high speed. I have been testing my program at slow speed, but now that I am nearly complete and using a high speed, the servo is surpassing its limits and grinding against
Way to set EtherCAT device addresses sequentially?
Hi - I have 20 EtherCAT capable turbos that I'm connecting to a Flex-6 Nano. I can pick all of them up, but address assignment by the Flex-6 appears to be somewhat random. As an example, device 19 shows up as device 16 so my feedback is there but we found
What is the purpose of the code ETHERCAT(8,0)?
I'm studing a demo program. And I notice a code in the program, which I can't find it in trioBasic help. what's the function of "ETHERCAT(8,0)"?
USER_PID instruction giving output not faster than 10 Hz
Hi, We have been trying to use the USER_PID instruction for controlling the speed of the motor in real time. We require to operate the PID loop at 500hz or 1000 hz (1msec scan time). We have written a basic program with USER_PID instruction along with
WAIT IDLE on PCMotion ActiveX
Hello everyone, I am currently controlling a stepper motor using the Flex-6 Nano controller, Python, and ActiveX. I am aware of the "WAIT IDLE" command in Trio Basic and would like to know if there is a similar command in ActiveX. When I execute MoveRel
CHANNEL_TRANSACT missing documentation
In the changelog for the firmware MC4N it is mentioned that a function CHANNEL_TRANSACT is implemented for controller to controller communication but I can't find any documentation for this command. Do you have any ?
Speed/Position control switching - any advice?
Dear gentlemen I have an application that I think I would like to use a function like "switch from speed to position control on the fly", let say, the axis will start with a speed command, however, when stop, it needs to switch from speed to position
Remote access
Hello, I am using the MC508. Are there any ways to access it remotely? For example, using the external IP (public IP) and some port pointing to the Trio's IP? (Nat) What are the ways I can access remotely? Thank you.
EtherCat PDO
How do a put a value from a VR into to PDO would you use TARGET_VR_MAPPED in if so how???? many many thanks Rob
MC4N-ECAT doesn't identify the 3rd party EtherCAT I/O slave
Hi, I've tried to so many ways to conncet MC4N with 3rd party I/O slave(Advantech AMAX-5074) in Motion perfect, but it turns out that all the ways failed. Please help me to slove this problem, many thanks! Here are my step below, 1. wiring 2. Improt
Bonjour à tout le monde . jai un soucis avec mon trio motion MC404Z. je veux établir la communication RS232 qui se trouve dans le port db15 avec un hmi delta DOP B07S411 DB9 femelle. Quelqu'un pour m'aider sur le raccordement du cable ( wiring diagram
how to close loop a stepper motor with linear encoder
Clay 1 month ago Edited axis(1) is stepper motor driving a ballscrew axis(2) is ABZ inc linear encoder. how can the stepper move according to the linear encoder? what to do if in a Euro404 system? what to do if in an ethercat system? stepper motor can be in CSP or CSV mode
Battery for MC206X
Geoff Dixon 5 years ago What battery should I buy for the MC206X? Comments 1 comment Sort by Geoff Dixon 5 years ago The battery can be bought from Farnell. Part number 863956. Description VARTA BATTERY, PCB MOUNT, 2.4V Go to This is the actual page.
EEPROM memory
The Flash Memory's LED continues to blink in red when MC405 (controller) is put in Run mode. Apparently, the power was lost when something was being written into the EEPROM memory and corrupted the flash memory. I can't find how to reset the flash memory,
Hello, I use a supervisory software (scada) that sends a Gcode txt file via FTP. Does the MC508 support FTP? I searched the site and didn't find any file explaining about it. I need to FTP the file to Trio memory, or SD Card. Or it could be making Trio
How to change the speed after TC_MOVESP1 is executed
How to change the speed after TC_MOVESP1 is executed?
MC508 Number of Modbus TCP connections
Hello, I use a supervisory software (scada) that communicates in Modbus TCP. I would like to know if the Trio MC508 accepts two Modbus TCP connections from the same device. One connection would be for read and one would be for writing. Thanks.
Screen saver on Uniplay
Hello, Please give me an idea of how the screen saver functionality can be implemented on Uniplay. Thank you!
Trio system error :1048576
From software reference manual, it means HW_PSWITCH FIFO full. This problem has been existing for a long time however the operation seems haven't been interrupted. What I can do to resolve the problem?